Effective January 1, 2012, Florida’s minimum wage will increase from the current rate of $7.31 to $7.67 per hour.  Each year, the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity must recalculate Florida’s minimum wage based upon the increase in the federal Consumer Price Index for Urban Earners and Clerical Workers in the Southern Region.  Based upon the calculation, the minimum wage will increase to $7.67 an hour.

Beginning January 1, 2012, tipped employees who receive a tip credit under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act must receive a direct wage of $4.65 per hour from their employers.  Employers may apply a tip credit of $3.02 hour.

Florida’s minimum wage statute requires employers to post a minimum wage notice in a conspicuous and accessible place in each establishment where employees work.  The minimum wage posting is in addition to wage and hour postings under federal law.  Florida minimum wage posters in English and Spanish are available by clicking on the highlighted links.

For companies with employees outside the State of Florida, the federal minimum wage remains $7.25 per hour.  You should verify that no state or local wage law requires payment of a minimum wage greater than the federal minimum wage.