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Florida’s minimum wage is going up. Starting January 1, 2017, Florida’s current minimum wage of $8.05 will increase five cents to $8.10 per hour. For a full-time Florida employee (working 2080 hours), the increase equates to $104 more in wages per year. The five cent increase was based on the Consumer Price Index rise of just .62% from August 2015 to August 2016.
Restaurant and hotel employers who take a tip credit, may still take up to a $3.02 per hour tip credit against the new minimum wage. That means that starting January 1, 2017, tipped employees must receive at least $5.08 per hour in direct wages.
On January 1, 2017, Florida employers will also need to replace their current Florida minimum wage poster with a new poster reflecting the new minimum wage. Posters can be found here in English, Spanish, and Creole.