Tag Archives: exempt/non-exempt

Pay for Travel Time? The Scenic Route to Work Won’t Cost You

Ver la versión en español aquí Employers often wonder when they should be paying hourly employees for their travel time and the answer may not always be straightforward. Broadly speaking, federal wage and hour laws require that employers compensate employees for the hours they spend traveling for work-related activities. But the law makes several distinctions … Continue Reading

Competing for Workers: Pay More? Or Pay More Frequently?

Ver la versión en español aquí Unemployment rates are at historic lows and the economy is booming! That’s good news for business, right? Yes…and no. While low unemployment creates more demand for the goods and services offered by companies, it also means that employers will have to compete for an ever-shrinking pool of workers. This … Continue Reading

Hurricane Season is Officially Here – Is Your Company Prepared?

Ver la versión en español aquí After years of good fortune, the 2017 Hurricane Season severely impacted most of South Florida and the Gulf Coast. Even those of us who suffered little or no property damage probably lost power for at least a few days, and many had no electricity for weeks.  Businesses had difficulty … Continue Reading

Spoiler Alert: Court Plunges Dagger in Heart of Obama-Era Overtime Regs, Setting Stage for Season II Fireworks

Ver la versión en español aquí Wow, this has been one crazy roller coaster ride. Season 1 of this overtime soap opera kicked-off with President Obama directing the Secretary of Labor to “modernize and streamline” the “white collar” FLSA exemptions. In May 2016, the DOL published revised regulations that increased the exempt salary threshold from … Continue Reading

How Does Time Off Due to a Hurricane Affect Your Employees’ Pay?

It’s throwback Thursday … err Tuesday.  As those of us in Florida prepare for the potential landfall of Hurricane Irma this weekend, please check out my colleague Bob Turk’s interview with the Miami Herald about storm preparations for human resource professionals and our post from hurricane season last year on what happens to employees’ pay … Continue Reading

DOL Does a “Do Over” on Overtime Regs and White Collar Exemptions

Ver la versión en español aquí On November 22, 2016, many of you breathed a (big) sigh of relief. Why? Because a Texas federal judge issued a nationwide temporary injunction precluding the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) 2016 overtime regulations from going into effect on December 1, 2016. These regulations would have significantly increased the … Continue Reading

It’s Payday! Are Pay Stubs an Employer’s Friend or Foe?

Ver la versión en español aquí Poll in-house counsel about the things that keep them up at night.  The contents of a wage statement (commonly known as a “pay stub”) would be way down that list.  After all, the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and Florida state law do not require any specific information … Continue Reading

Another Attempt to Pass Private Sector Comp-Time Legislation

Ver la versión en español aquí As the fate of the Department of Labor’s revised overtime regulations remains in limbo as a result of a nationwide injunction (currently on appeal) issued in November 2016, Congress now has chimed-in on wage and hour issues potentially impacting non-exempt employees.  This week, the House of Representatives passed The … Continue Reading

New DOL Overtime Regulations on Hold – Now What????

Late yesterday, a Texas federal Judge issued a nationwide temporary injunction halting the Department of Labor’s (“DOL”) new overtime regulations, which were set to significantly increase the minimum salary required for the executive, administrative and professional overtime exemptions (known as the white collar exemptions). This unexpected ruling prevents the DOL from implementing the new regulations, … Continue Reading

How Does Time Off Due to a Hurricane Affect Your Employees’ Pay?

With Hurricane Matthew expected to hit the east coast this week, Floridians are stocking up on water, batteries, gas, and canned food. It’s important to be prepared and plan ahead for your home and family. For those in Human Resources, it is also a good time to plan ahead for what happens with employees’ pay … Continue Reading

New Overtime Rule Doubling Minimum Salary Requirement Effective December 1

Ver la versión en español aquí Well, finally. This morning, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) issued its final rule, about two years and two months after President Obama directed the Department to update, streamline and modernize overtime regulations under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The Department estimates that the compensation of more than four … Continue Reading

2-4-6-8 Minimum Wage is Not So Great: NFL Cheerleaders Fight Back

The NFL is a multi-billion dollar bu$ine$$. Peyton Manning won the Super Bowl with the Denver Broncos. On top of his $15 million salary, he earned a $2 million bonus. Cam Newton lost the Super Bowl, but don’t feel sorry for him; he signed a 5-year $103.8 million contract.  For their Super Bowl appearances, every … Continue Reading

Same Pay for the Same Day? EEOC Wants to Take a Look

Ver la versión en español aquí Once in a while, everyone might feel like Bill Murray in “Groundhog Day”, wondering whether we are living the same day at work over and over again. A persistent question, though, is whether everyone is being paid lawfully for doing so.  Last Friday, seven years to the day that President … Continue Reading

My Top Ten Ways to Avoid Being Sued in 2016

I love this time of year. For some magical reason, everyone’s mood changes and smiles appear. Perhaps it’s their pending vacation or the chance to spend quality time with friends and family. So, in the spirit of the holidays, here is my gift to all our readers.   Drum rolls please . . .  TEN WAYS TO AVOID GETTING … Continue Reading

Granting Non-Exempt Workers After-Hour Access to Company’s E-mail System: Are You E-mailing Your Way to a Wage and Hour Lawsuit?

Ver la versión en español aquí Betty’s at the dinner table with family, talking about her day, savoring her mashed potatoes when . . . flash—the phone lights up. Work e-mail. She reads it, steps away from the table, and starts drafting a response. Fifteen minutes later, she fires it off and returns to the … Continue Reading

How Does Time Off Due to a Hurricane Affect Your Employees’ Pay?

Ver la versión en español aquí For those of us in South Florida, we just braved the first few weeks of school and the associated traffic congestion.  Now we have to prepare for Tropical Storm Erika, potentially Hurricane Erika? While we will know more about the storm’s path on late Friday and early Saturday, it is … Continue Reading

DOL’s Proposal Will Require More “White Collar” Employees to Be Paid Overtime

Ver la versión en español aquí The U.S. Department of Labor (“DOL”) recently proposed substantial changes to the salary amounts for the FLSA’s white collar exemptions. This is the first proposed change since 2004. The DOL took this action in response to a March 2014 directive from President Obama to “modernize and streamline” the regulations … Continue Reading

A New Year’s Workplace Resolution: Check Out OSHA’s 2015 Recordkeeping /Reporting Changes

Ver la versión en español aquí I wanted to post about something exciting and attention-grabbing to start 2015. What better way than an update on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recordkeeping requirements, right? Okay, I realize that OSHA and recordkeeping will not generate quite the level of excitement and fascination that I had … Continue Reading

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy – 10 Tips for Protecting Your Business

Ver la versión en español aquí Do you allow employees to access company data using their personal portable electronic devices instead of company-issued devices? For example, do employees use their smart phones to contact customers and store customer contact information, preferences, etc., on their phones? When these employees quit or are terminated, have you implemented … Continue Reading

The Wage & Hour Battle Rages On

Ver la versión en español aquí Over the last several months, President Obama has continued his push to revamp the nation’s minimum wage and overtime laws. He has faced an uphill battle. In a Presidential Memorandum dated March 13, 2014, President Obama directed the Department of Labor to “propose revisions to modernize and streamline the … Continue Reading

Eleventh Circuit Rules on Breastfeeding Breaks Under the FLSA

On December 26, 2012, the Eleventh Circuit, which has jurisdiction over Florida, issued a decision in Miller v. Roche Surety and Casualty Co., Inc. The plaintiff, Danielle Miller, sued her former employer claiming that it violated the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA ) by failing to give her a time and place to express breast … Continue Reading