Tag Archives: leave of absence

Kiwis Will Have the Protection of Paid Domestic Violence Leave. What About Floridians?

Ver la versión en español aquí In April 2019, New Zealand employers will be required to provide victims of domestic violence 10 days of paid leave. The purpose of the paid leave is to allow domestic violence victims to relocate, seek legal help, and address their trauma without fear of losing their income. In Florida, … Continue Reading

Employer’s Honest Mistake Bests FMLA Retaliation Claim

We all know that honesty is the best policy but what about an honest mistake?  Can an honest mistake save you from liability in a retaliation lawsuit under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)? Just last month, federal appeals court in Pennsylvania said – Yes. In Capps v. Mondelez Global, LLC, the federal 3rd … Continue Reading

The NFL’s Off-The-Field Woes Prompt Refresher on Employees’ Domestic Leave Rights

Ver la versión en español aquí The NFL season is underway, but the sound of fan euphoria has been drowned out by daily reports of reprehensible off-the-field conduct, including domestic violence. Unfortunately, it frequently takes a high-profile incident (or in this case, a series of incidents) to bring important societal issues to the forefront. In … Continue Reading

Employees Behaving Badly Part 1: Female Employee Chooses Beauty Over Comfort . . . And Her Job!!

Ver la versión en español aquí Shawna Palmer was going to squeeze her toes into those Jimmy Choos, Manolo Blahniks – fill in the name of any other high end shoe brand – no matter what! After all, there was a beauty pageant title on the line – Miss Toyota Long Beach Grand Prix in … Continue Reading