Category Archives: Employee & Management Counseling

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Two Turks are better than one!

Ver la versión en español aquí We are pleased to welcome attorney Stephanie Turk to our Labor & Employment Law group in Miami.  Yes, she is my daughter-in-law. Stephanie brings experience in both Employment Litigation and Employment Counseling. On the litigation side, Stephanie defends employers in a variety of employment matters including discrimination, retaliation, wage and hour, … Continue Reading

Florida Employers: Do Your Employees Text and Drive?

Ver la versión en español aquí If yes, they need to stop today. Why? Effective October 1, 2019, Florida drivers can use wireless communication devices (e.g., cell phones) only in a hands-free manner when driving in a designated school crossing, school zone, or work zone where construction personnel are present or operating equipment on the … Continue Reading

Performance Evaluations Are… Coming to Town?

Ver la versión en español aquí “He’s making a list and checking it twice. He’s going to find out who’s naughty or nice… performance evaluations are…” Coming to town? Indeed. The end of year is not only holiday season, but also the time of year when a number of employers complete performance evaluations of their employees. Just like … Continue Reading

Employers Need To Deny This Employee Request: “Please Don’t Tell Anyone, But My Supervisor . . .”

Ver la versión en español aquí HR folks – Have you ever had an employee tell you that he or she is being unlawfully harassed by a co-worker, but then begged you to keep the complaint confidential? Most often, employees ask their employers not to investigate their concerns because of embarrassment or fear of retribution.  … Continue Reading

Competing for Workers: Pay More? Or Pay More Frequently?

Ver la versión en español aquí Unemployment rates are at historic lows and the economy is booming! That’s good news for business, right? Yes…and no. While low unemployment creates more demand for the goods and services offered by companies, it also means that employers will have to compete for an ever-shrinking pool of workers. This … Continue Reading

Nothing to Sneeze at: Chemical Sensitivities, Bed Bugs, Zika and Flu Shots

Ver la versión en español aquí I recently spoke at the SHRM 2018 Annual Conference & Exposition in Chicago. My topic was  “Health Issues are Nothing to Sneeze at: Chemical Sensitivities, Bed Bugs, Zika and Flu Shots.” SHRM had over 18,000 attendees. It was a great opportunity to discuss some of the legal issues employers face when … Continue Reading

“You’re Too Experienced” – Age Discrimination?

Ver la versión en español aquí In January 2015, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) filed a federal lawsuit in Miami, Florida, against Seasons 52, a national restaurant chain.  The EEOC alleged Seasons 52 discriminated against older job applicants at 35 of its restaurants nationwide. During the litigation, the EEOC presented testimony from over 135 … Continue Reading

Does Sexual Harassment Training Work?

Ver la versión en español aquí The New York Times ran an article on December 11, 2017, titled, “Sexual Harassment Training Doesn’t Work. But Some Things Do.” The article describes sexual harassment training as an exercise that consists of “clicking through a PowerPoint, checking a box that you read the employee handbook or attending a … Continue Reading

Retirement Plan Hurricane Relief for Affected Participants

Ver la versión en español aquí As we all know, Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria severely impacted parts of Texas, the southeastern United States and Puerto Rico causing billions of dollars of damage. To help victims recover, Congress, the IRS, and the Department of Labor have issued special retirement plan relief for employers and participants … Continue Reading

What’s the Effect of the Sessions’ Memo on Transgender Discrimination?

Ver la versión en español aquí On October 4, 2017, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued a memorandum advising that the U.S. Department of Justice will no longer take the position that Title VII (the law which prohibits discrimination based on sex, race, color, national origin, and religion) prohibits discrimination based on “gender identity per … Continue Reading

Florida Employees: The Good Stand Tall When Bad Things Happen

Ver la versión en español aquí Hurricane Irma! For Floridians, that’s all you need to say. My family and I fled from Category 4 Irma. According to our Governor, this was “a deadly storm” the likes of which “our state has never seen.” We drove from Miami to what we thought would be a relatively … Continue Reading

Our thoughts Are With Those Affected by Hurricane Irma

Dear Clients and Friends, In the aftermath of Hurricane Irma, our thoughts are with you for a safe and speedy recovery. We are back in business, fully operational, and here to assist in any way we can. We look forward to connecting with you soon. Our regular blog postings will resume next week at and  … Continue Reading

Email Restrictions: Good Idea but Don’t Hold Your Breath America

Ver la versión en español aquí Employers are always looking for ways to improve work-life balance for their employees. The objective, of course, is to reduce employee burnout and turnover, while increasing employee satisfaction, productivity and creativity. Some companies have gone the untraditional route, such as Daimler’s “Mail on Holiday program” which gives employees the … Continue Reading

Top Takeaways from Our 26th Annual Labor & Employment Law Seminar

Ver la versión en español aquí With over 400 attendees from more than 200 employers, our 26th Annual Labor & Employment Law Seminar was a huge success! Thank you for allowing us to keep you “on Track”. For the first time this year, following our morning sessions, attendees were able to choose from our “high-speed” track designed for … Continue Reading

Employees Behaving Badly II: Did He Really Say That?

Ver la versión en español aquí I am not a fan of reality TV. However, in this reality TV election season, it is hard to tear my eyes (and ears) away from the barbs being exchanged primarily between the Republican candidates. Whether you support him or not, you have to admit that Donald Trump says things … Continue Reading

Are Your Employees Naughty or Nice?

Ver la versión en español aquí As I was recently working on my Christmas “to do” list while singing along to “Santa Claus is Coming to Town,” the lyrics “He’s making a list, and checking it twice, Gonna find out whose naughty or nice,” reminded me that December is not only the holiday season, but is … Continue Reading

The Pros and Khans of Good Workplace Management

Ver la versión en español aquí Recently, I had occasion to watch Season 1 of the Netflix series, Marco Polo. The plot is based on the 13th century Mongolian Empire. However, to an employment lawyer, it all seems like a page out of an employment law primer. The main protagonist (read, disgruntled employee), Marco Polo, … Continue Reading

“No Jerk” Workplace Policies Pay Off

Ver la versión en español aquí “There’s no such thing as bad publicity.”  (This quote is often associated with Phineas T. Barnum, the 19th century circus owner.)  Really?  Tell that to Amazon. Amazon, which recently surpassed Walmart as the most valuable retailer in the country, has been all over the news recently, but not entirely … Continue Reading

Intimidation: An Attention-Grabber for Coaching Football, but a Flag for Coaching Employees

Ver la versión en español aquí It’s the most wonderful time of the year … football season! In my house, it’s all football, all the time – college football (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday), pro football (Sunday, Monday and Thursday), NFL Total Access, ESPN Game Day etc. My husband and I even watched HBO’s “Hard Knocks,” … Continue Reading

Encore Performances from Our Annual Labor & Employment Law Seminar to Start in the Fall

Ver la versión en español aquí May 1, 2014, was not a typical day in the office for us. We left our offices from across the state and headed to the Trump National Doral Hotel to join over 380 attendees at our 24th Annual Labor and Employment Law Seminar. Thanks to all the private and public … Continue Reading