Tag Archives: gender equality

Employers Beware – Involuntary Job Transfers Can Support Discrimination Suits

Ver la versión en español aquí. A recent U.S. Supreme Court case examined the question of whether an involuntary job transfer can be discriminatory even if the employee’s pay and job title remain the same. The answer? Yes. Historically, most courts, including the Eleventh Circuit, required an employee to have suffered a “significant” employment disadvantage … Continue Reading

Wake Up: What Every Florida Employer Needs to Know About the “Stop WOKE Act”

Ver la versión en español aquí. We also discussed this in our Labor & Employment client alert here. On March 10, 2022, the Florida legislature passed House Bill 7 (“HB 7”), the Stop the Wrongs to Our Kids and Employees (W.O.K.E.) Act, officially named “Individual Freedom,” but also known as the “Stop WOKE Act.”  The bill … Continue Reading

Top Takeaways from “Breaking Through the Noise: Labor & Employment Issues Post-Pandemic”

Thank you to our clients and friends who have watched ”Breaking Through the Noise: Labor & Employment Issues Post-Pandemic” so far! We hope you enjoyed it and were provided with timely, relevant and valuable insight. If you have not tuned in yet, the program is available on demand to watch at your leisure. CLICK HERE TO WATCH! Below … Continue Reading

Ready to watch? Breaking Through The Noise AVAILABLE NOW!

IT’S SHOW TIME!   Breaking Through the Noise, our much anticipated 2.5 hour “TV News” program addressing employment issues that you will need to know about in a post-pandemic business environment, is available NOW. CLICK TO WATCH! Block off some time on your calendar now through Sunday, June 20th at 11:59pm ET to enjoy the program!  … Continue Reading

SAVE THE DATES – Breaking Through The Noise: Labor & Employment Issues Post-Pandemic

LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION!   We are excited to announce the air date for Breaking through the Noise, our much anticipated 2.5 hour “TV News” program addressing employment issues that you will need to know about in a post-pandemic business environment. The program will be available to view on our website at your leisure from Wednesday, June … Continue Reading

Coming Soon in June to a Screen Near You!

For the last 30 years, we have put on a live, all-day conference attended by hundreds of our clients and friends across Florida.  Unfortunately, due to COVID, the seminar was cancelled again this year.  As we know almost everyone is Zoom-ed and webinar-ed out, we thought we’d do something different this year – a two-hour … Continue Reading

What to Expect from the White House Gender Policy Council

Ver la versión en español aquí On March 8, President Biden issued an Executive Order (“EO”) On Establishment of the White House Gender Policy Council (the “Council”). The purpose of the Council is to promote gender equity and equality with the goal of advancing equal rights and opportunities regardless of one’s gender or gender identity.  The … Continue Reading

The 2021 Florida Legislative Session – The Graveyard for Employment-Related Proposals?

Ver la versión en español aquí Each year Florida legislators meet for just 60 days to propose and pass new laws. The Legislature is now in session through the end of April 2021.  A number of employment-related bills have already been introduced – many are first proposed to lay the groundwork for possible passage years … Continue Reading

Strict Enforcement of Non-Negotiable Employment Policies: A Few Horror Stories

Ver la versión en español aquí While having well written policies and procedures for employees is very important, these policies and procedures cannot cover every situation. Employers need to retain some flexibility. Non-negotiable rules can violate employment laws and result in very expensive claims. How expensive?… Continue Reading

Recruiting with Technology? Don’t Forget the “Human” in Human Resources

Ver la versión en español aquí The public is generally familiar with the fact that Amazon.com, Google and other technology companies use computer programs and artificial intelligence to predict consumer behavior – think about the pop-up ads that seem targeted just to your interests. However, we recently learned that artificial intelligence (AI) recruiting tools may not … Continue Reading

“What Did You Make at Your Last Job?” – Is That Still a Question?

Ver la versión en español aquí Amazon recently made a voluntary decision to ban the use of salary history questions during the employment application process. Why? The idea is that banning questions about salary history aims to close the gender pay gap. According to the Census Bureau, women make 80% of every dollar a man makes. … Continue Reading

What’s the Effect of the Sessions’ Memo on Transgender Discrimination?

Ver la versión en español aquí On October 4, 2017, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued a memorandum advising that the U.S. Department of Justice will no longer take the position that Title VII (the law which prohibits discrimination based on sex, race, color, national origin, and religion) prohibits discrimination based on “gender identity per … Continue Reading

A Return To The “Old” EEO-1 Form; EEOC Will Not Collect Pay Data in 2018

Ver la versión en español aquí Employers can breathe a sigh of relief: The EEOC’s initiative to collect summary pay and hours worked data in the new EEO-1 form has ended … for now, at least. Just last year, on September 26, 2016, the EEOC announced that the annual EEO-1 reporting process would change for … Continue Reading

EEOC Sues to Give Fathers the Same “Maternity” Leave as Mothers

Ver la versión en español aquí In last week’s blog, I highlighted Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s announcement that he’ll be taking 2 months off work following the birth of his daughter later this year (even though, presumably, he would be entitled to 12 weeks under the FMLA, and 4 months under Facebook’s policy). Well, paternity leave … Continue Reading

Google’s Pay Policy: Good? Or Too Good to Be True?

techVer la versión en español aquí In January, the U.S. Department of Labor (“DOL”) brought suit in a San Francisco administrative court against Google, Inc. to require Google, as a federal contractor, to allow the government to inspect Google’s pay records.  While the DOL was demanding various documents regarding employees’ compensation history for compliance purposes, it was clear the underlying reason was … Continue Reading

Could the Applicant Salary History Question Become History?

Salary history is one of the most commonly asked questions on employment applications. Knowing what a prospective employee currently earns or what they’ve earned in the past can provide you with valuable information to guide your decision as to whom ultimately to hire: It allows you to determine whether the candidate is in the same salary … Continue Reading

When You Really Have to Go, Do You Ever Think About It?

Ver la versión en español aquí Transgender Status and the Bathroom Question With North Carolina recently passing a state law which requires a transgender person to use the restroom that matches their sex at birth, the question many Floridians are asking now is: If a person is transgender, or has a gender identity or expression different … Continue Reading

Same Pay for the Same Day? EEOC Wants to Take a Look

Ver la versión en español aquí Once in a while, everyone might feel like Bill Murray in “Groundhog Day”, wondering whether we are living the same day at work over and over again. A persistent question, though, is whether everyone is being paid lawfully for doing so.  Last Friday, seven years to the day that President … Continue Reading

Who Needs Congress When We Have The EEOC?

Ver la versión en español aquí Legislative efforts have failed repeatedly at the federal level to add “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to the list of protected classifications under anti-discrimination laws. That has not deterred the EEOC in its quest to protect the LGBT community from employment discrimination. On the heels of the Supreme Court’s … Continue Reading

Common ¢ent$, Glass Ceilings, and a 9-Year Old Girl

Ver la versión en español aquí Women may not yet have achieved equality in the corporate boardroom, but women have broken through the glass ceiling to take-on the CEO position in a handful of the largest U.S. companies, including General Motors (Mary Barra), Xerox (Ursula Burns), Yahoo! (Marissa Mayer), Hewlett-Packard (Meg Whitman), PepsiCo (Indra Nooyi), … Continue Reading

6 Words That Cost an NBA Star $25,000

Ver la versión en español aquí Another sports blunder creates another blogging opportunity. In the 3rd quarter of the Los Angeles Clippers/Cleveland Cavaliers NBA game last Thursday night, the Clippers’ All-Star guard, Chris Paul, received a technical foul after he questioned a rookie referee. The referee happened to be a female, Lauren Holtkamp. Do you … Continue Reading

By The Numbers: How Working Moms & Dads Compare in Salary and Job Satisfaction

CareerBuilder.com has released its “Mother’s Day Survey” comparing working moms and dads in categories such as salary, title, and job satisfaction. The conclusion: “While salary data indicates that female breadwinners may have a tougher time making ends meet, working moms in general tend to be happier in their jobs.” The study was conducted between February … Continue Reading

Fifth Circuit Reverses Trial Court and Says Title VII Covers Lactating Moms

A little over a year ago we blogged about a Texas federal trial court ruling that Title VII did not cover lactation in the case EEOC v. Houston Funding II, Ltd..  Click here for link to post.  Now, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, which has jurisdiction over Texas, has reversed the trial court and … Continue Reading