Tag Archives: unions

Top Takeaways: 2024 Miami Labor & Employment Law Update “Marching Back to the Future”

Ver la versión en español aquí. Thank you to all who attended our Labor and Employment Law Update as we shared our insights on a broad range of topics. It was a pleasure to see so many familiar faces, including friends and valued clients. We hope you found the seminar both educational and entertaining, as … Continue Reading

REGISTER NOW! 2024 Miami Labor & Employment Law Update

Ver la versión en español aquí. We are excited to host our Miami Labor & Employment Law Update (half-day) in person this year. Find out more and register below. We are also planning our 2025 Miami Labor & Employment Law Seminar (full-day) for the spring – stay tuned for details! CLICK HERE TO REGISTER WEDNESDAY, … Continue Reading

Take the Off-the-Shelf Employment Agreements… Off the Shelf

Ver la versión en español aquí This is your reminder — always have counsel review and revise every agreement before offering it to an employee.  A number of new decisions and laws have made many standard employment agreements, restrictive covenant agreements, separation agreements, and settlement agreements completely unenforceable.  Below are a few examples…… Continue Reading

Look to Your Left…It’s the New NLRB

Ver la versión en español aquí. For several years now, the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”) has been disavowing any pretension that it is an “intermediary” between labor and management.  Instead, the new NLRB has firmly tipped the scales in favor of organized labor.  This has clearly impacted all employers, as the NLRB has increasingly … Continue Reading

Avoiding Unfair Labor Practices (ULPs)

Ver la versión en español aquí. In January 2021, I made several “way too early” pre-season predictions about then president-elect Joe Biden’s agenda regarding labor and employment. High on President Biden’s wish list was the Protect the Right to Organize Act (“PRO”), which would substantially strengthen labor law to the advantage of employees and unions. … Continue Reading

Bottom of the Ninth

Ver la versión en español aquí. We are now in the fourth week of February, yet a familiar tradition has not taken place.  Major League baseball players have not yet reported to their respective camps for Spring Training.  Unable to reach a new collective bargaining agreement with the MLB Players Association last December, the MLB … Continue Reading

Top Takeaways from “Breaking Through the Noise: Labor & Employment Issues Post-Pandemic”

Thank you to our clients and friends who have watched ”Breaking Through the Noise: Labor & Employment Issues Post-Pandemic” so far! We hope you enjoyed it and were provided with timely, relevant and valuable insight. If you have not tuned in yet, the program is available on demand to watch at your leisure. CLICK HERE TO WATCH! Below … Continue Reading

Ready to watch? Breaking Through The Noise AVAILABLE NOW!

IT’S SHOW TIME!   Breaking Through the Noise, our much anticipated 2.5 hour “TV News” program addressing employment issues that you will need to know about in a post-pandemic business environment, is available NOW. CLICK TO WATCH! Block off some time on your calendar now through Sunday, June 20th at 11:59pm ET to enjoy the program!  … Continue Reading

SAVE THE DATES – Breaking Through The Noise: Labor & Employment Issues Post-Pandemic

LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION!   We are excited to announce the air date for Breaking through the Noise, our much anticipated 2.5 hour “TV News” program addressing employment issues that you will need to know about in a post-pandemic business environment. The program will be available to view on our website at your leisure from Wednesday, June … Continue Reading

Coming Soon in June to a Screen Near You!

For the last 30 years, we have put on a live, all-day conference attended by hundreds of our clients and friends across Florida.  Unfortunately, due to COVID, the seminar was cancelled again this year.  As we know almost everyone is Zoom-ed and webinar-ed out, we thought we’d do something different this year – a two-hour … Continue Reading

Pre-Season Predictions: Labor and Employment Under the Incoming Biden Administration

Ver la versión en español aquí The champagne was still flowing in the Alabama locker room on Monday night following their thumping of Ohio State in the College Football National Championship Game when sports media outlets began to publish their “Way Too Early” Top 25 polls for next season. It is a stark reminder that … Continue Reading

Top Takeaways from Our Annual Tampa Labor & Employment Law Seminar

Ver la versión en español aquí Our first Annual Tampa Labor & Employment Law Seminar was a success, with more than 70 attendees! We anticipate growing the seminar in the coming years and will use your feedback to determine future topics and content. Thank you to all who attended. Congratulations to our blog contest winner! … Continue Reading

Baseball’s Winter of Discontent

Ver la versión en español aquí What can we learn from Major League Baseball’s currently unemployed players? Employee satisfaction has become increasingly important as employees expect fulfillment in their careers (both financially and with work-life balance programs and benefits). Whether unionized or not, it is important to analyze a company’s culture and the industry to … Continue Reading

New DOL Overtime Regulations on Hold – Now What????

Late yesterday, a Texas federal Judge issued a nationwide temporary injunction halting the Department of Labor’s (“DOL”) new overtime regulations, which were set to significantly increase the minimum salary required for the executive, administrative and professional overtime exemptions (known as the white collar exemptions). This unexpected ruling prevents the DOL from implementing the new regulations, … Continue Reading

First Monday in October Promises Important Rulings in Employee Cases

Ver la versión en español aquí Walter Matthau and Jill Clayburgh were gifted actors.  But the new term of the Supreme Court, which opens today, promises to generate some drama of its own as well. Somewhat lost amid the understandable attention received by the historic same-sex marriage and Obamacare rulings last year were several important Supreme … Continue Reading

It’s Unbelievable! – Bill Introduced into Congress Would Turn Labor Relations on its Head

Ver la versión en español aquí There has been a consistent and steady decrease in unionization across the Country over the past forty years.  Although many can argue as to the reasons for that, it is clear that organized labor intends to alter that trend by changing the rules of the game.  The most recent … Continue Reading

Miranda Rights in the Workplace? Not Quite, but Meet His Cousin Weingarten

Ver la versión en español aquí Picture this.  You suspect an employee (Slick Fingers) has been stealing in the workplace for weeks.  Today, multiple witnesses approach you and say they have witnessed Slick taking money from the cash register.  You feel inspired by the four episodes of the “First 48” you watched the night before … Continue Reading

D.C. Circuit Takes No Prisoners: Rebukes NLRB Decision Declaring “Common Sense Sometimes Matters”

Ver la versión en español aquí “Common sense sometimes matters in resolving legal disputes.” That’s how the D.C. Circuit began its opinion reversing a widely publicized 2011 decision by the NLRB finding that AT&T Connecticut had committed an unfair labor practice when it banned AT&T employees from wearing “Prisoner” shirts to the homes of customers. … Continue Reading

OMG! Your Policy Says What? Part 2

Ver la versión en español aquí Many employers and their attorneys believe the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”) has gone off the deep end.  This school of thought was again reinforced with the NLRB’s June 18, 2015 Remington Lodge Hospitality decision. In a 2-to-1 decision, the NLRB held that the Sheraton Anchorage hotel committed an unfair … Continue Reading

TOP SECRET Takeaways from Our 25th Annual Labor & Employment Law Seminar

Ver la versión en español aquí Our 25th Annual Labor & Employment Law Seminar is a wrap. Wow, 25 years goes by in the blink of an eye! Each year, our seminar continues to grow. Thank you to the attendees who have been with us from the beginning and the newcomers who attended for their first time this year.  With over … Continue Reading