Tag Archives: Drug Testing/Medical Marijuana

Top Takeaways from “Breaking Through the Noise: Labor & Employment Issues Post-Pandemic”

Thank you to our clients and friends who have watched ”Breaking Through the Noise: Labor & Employment Issues Post-Pandemic” so far! We hope you enjoyed it and were provided with timely, relevant and valuable insight. If you have not tuned in yet, the program is available on demand to watch at your leisure. CLICK HERE TO WATCH! Below … Continue Reading

Ready to watch? Breaking Through The Noise AVAILABLE NOW!

IT’S SHOW TIME!   Breaking Through the Noise, our much anticipated 2.5 hour “TV News” program addressing employment issues that you will need to know about in a post-pandemic business environment, is available NOW. CLICK TO WATCH! Block off some time on your calendar now through Sunday, June 20th at 11:59pm ET to enjoy the program!  … Continue Reading

SAVE THE DATES – Breaking Through The Noise: Labor & Employment Issues Post-Pandemic

LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION!   We are excited to announce the air date for Breaking through the Noise, our much anticipated 2.5 hour “TV News” program addressing employment issues that you will need to know about in a post-pandemic business environment. The program will be available to view on our website at your leisure from Wednesday, June … Continue Reading

Coming Soon in June to a Screen Near You!

For the last 30 years, we have put on a live, all-day conference attended by hundreds of our clients and friends across Florida.  Unfortunately, due to COVID, the seminar was cancelled again this year.  As we know almost everyone is Zoom-ed and webinar-ed out, we thought we’d do something different this year – a two-hour … Continue Reading

The 2021 Florida Legislative Session – The Graveyard for Employment-Related Proposals?

Ver la versión en español aquí Each year Florida legislators meet for just 60 days to propose and pass new laws. The Legislature is now in session through the end of April 2021.  A number of employment-related bills have already been introduced – many are first proposed to lay the groundwork for possible passage years … Continue Reading

POSTPONED: Annual Labor & Employment Law Seminars

Dear Clients and Friends, These words just came out of my mouth, “I have extra toilet paper I can trade for some rice.”  Yesterday, I wore gloves, a face mask and carried homemade alcohol wipes in order to go food shopping. How the world has changed in one month! So this will not come as … Continue Reading

MEDICAL MARIJUANA SEMINAR: The Dope on Amendment 2’s Effect on Florida’s Workplaces

On November 4, Florida voters will go the polls to vote on a constitutional amendment that would legalize the use of medical marijuana. If the amendment passes, how will that impact Florida workplaces? Please join us for breakfast in our Miami office on November 10th. We will address important FAQs about how medical marijuana may affect … Continue Reading

Employers’ Obligations Under Florida’s Medical Marijuana Laws Hazy

Florida Governor Rick Scott signed SB 1030 today.  This law now makes it legal for qualified patients in Florida to take low-THC cannabis in liquid form to treat certain seizure disorders, such as epilepsy and muscle spasms, and for cancer.  While SB 1030 will likely not have a huge impact on day-to-day operations in the … Continue Reading

Even in Legalized States, Employers Can Fire Pot-Smoking Employees

Recently, Congressmen Barney Frank (D-Massachusetts) and Ron Paul (R-Texas) introduced the “Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011,” which would allow states to determine their own marijuana rules without interference from Washington, DC.  If this law passed, states could choose among banning marijuana entirely, making it medically available, decriminalizing its possession or taxing and regulating … Continue Reading