Tag Archives: Sick Leave

The EEOC Final Rule on the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Takes Effect

Ver la versión en español aquí. Starting today, June 18, 2024, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) will enforce new regulations under the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA). With this in mind, employers should familiarize themselves with the EEOC’s final rule and interpretive guidance to better understand their obligations under the PWFA and how the … Continue Reading

Prepping for Hurricane Season!

Ver la versión en español aquí. With apologies to T.S. Eliot, June is the cruelest month in Florida. It is time to start thinking about hurricanes again. Even if we are blessed with a storm-free six months, no doubt there will be a few near misses that will ramp us all up into prep mode. Here are some … Continue Reading

Florida Court Rules Expectant Father Not Entitled to FMLA

Ver la versión en español aquí. Employers are regularly having to grapple with how and when to give their employees leave when their employees are expecting a child.  Unfortunately, the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) does not always provide the clearest answer as to when employers are obligated to provide employees with protected leave.  However, … Continue Reading

SURPRISE, SURPRISE, SURPRISE! OSHA’s Vaccinate or Test Rule is Back (at least for now).

On Friday night, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals gave OSHA’s Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) on COVID vaccination new life.  As you may remember, OSHA issued an ETS requiring employers with 100 or more employees to adopt a vaccination policy that either made vaccination mandatory, or gave employees a choice between vaccination or weekly testing.  … Continue Reading

Stuck In The Middle With You

Ver la versión en español aquí Florida employers face conflicting federal/state legal obligations. It can be tough to keep up. On Thursday of last week, the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued an Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) establishing mandatory vaccination requirements for employers with 100 or more employees. The regulation was published in … Continue Reading

OSHA’s COVID Vaccination Rules – What You Need To Know

Ver la versión en español aquí. We also discussed this in our Labor & Employment client alert here. After much anticipation, OSHA finally issued its rule for mandatory COVID-19 vaccination and testing for certain employers. It is referred to as an emergency temporary standard (“ETS”). While the ETS will be challenged in the courts, employers must still prepare now … Continue Reading

Long COVID: How to Manage Its Lingering Effects In The Workplace

Ver la versión en español aquí As millions of Americans continue to get vaccinated against COVID-19, it seems as if there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel.  For others who have contracted COVID-19, however, they are not as fortunate.  Some of these folks face a more harrowing journey because their symptoms … Continue Reading

President Biden: Mandatory vaccines or weekly testing, or bust!

You heard the following directive yesterday from President Biden: Private employers with 100 or more employees must ensure their workers are vaccinated against COVID-19 or require unvaccinated employees to produce a negative test result on at least a weekly basis before coming to work. Everyone should take a deep breath. Nothing is required at this … Continue Reading

Top Takeaways from “Breaking Through the Noise: Labor & Employment Issues Post-Pandemic”

Thank you to our clients and friends who have watched ”Breaking Through the Noise: Labor & Employment Issues Post-Pandemic” so far! We hope you enjoyed it and were provided with timely, relevant and valuable insight. If you have not tuned in yet, the program is available on demand to watch at your leisure. CLICK HERE TO WATCH! Below … Continue Reading

Ready to watch? Breaking Through The Noise AVAILABLE NOW!

IT’S SHOW TIME!   Breaking Through the Noise, our much anticipated 2.5 hour “TV News” program addressing employment issues that you will need to know about in a post-pandemic business environment, is available NOW. CLICK TO WATCH! Block off some time on your calendar now through Sunday, June 20th at 11:59pm ET to enjoy the program!  … Continue Reading

SAVE THE DATES – Breaking Through The Noise: Labor & Employment Issues Post-Pandemic

LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION!   We are excited to announce the air date for Breaking through the Noise, our much anticipated 2.5 hour “TV News” program addressing employment issues that you will need to know about in a post-pandemic business environment. The program will be available to view on our website at your leisure from Wednesday, June … Continue Reading

Coming Soon in June to a Screen Near You!

For the last 30 years, we have put on a live, all-day conference attended by hundreds of our clients and friends across Florida.  Unfortunately, due to COVID, the seminar was cancelled again this year.  As we know almost everyone is Zoom-ed and webinar-ed out, we thought we’d do something different this year – a two-hour … Continue Reading

Families First Coronavirus Response Act: We Hardly Knew Ye!

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“FFCRA”) became federal law on April 1, 2020. (For a detailed discussion on FFCRA coverage see our blog post dated March 20, 2020). The FFCRA was the first federal legislation mandating nationwide paid leave for employees. Unlike many other federal employment laws, the FFCRA contained a “use by” date … Continue Reading

Psst, Florida HR Pros: NY Paid Sick Leave Law Takes Effect September 30, 2020

Ver la versión en español aquí For those employers who also have New York employees, heads up: a new leave law will apply to you starting this Wednesday. New York has enacted a state-wide, permanent sick leave law, separate and apart from the state’s COVID-19 Quarantine Leave Law. In an unusual twist, this state law … Continue Reading

DOL Provides More Guidance on the FFCRA

The DOL has been working overtime attempting to clarify and answer questions on various aspects of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA). As we reported last week, the DOL issued its “Employee Rights” poster, along with initial guidance in the form of “Questions and Answers.” On Thursday night (March 26) and then again on Saturday evening … Continue Reading

DOL Issues New FFCRA Poster and Further Guidance

Yesterday, the Department of Labor (DOL) issued the much-anticipated “Employee Rights” poster or notice concerning the Paid Sick Leave and Expanded Family and Medical Leave components of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA).  Click here to access the poster. Along with the poster, the DOL provided some much needed guidance on various aspects of … Continue Reading

Federal Paid Leave Law Signed by President Trump

On Wednesday evening, March 18th, President Trump signed into law the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (the “Act”), which, among other things, mandates paid time off for certain qualifying events. There are two primary components in terms of paid time off: (1) the Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act (“E-FMLA”); and (2) the Emergency … Continue Reading

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): What Employers Need to Know

Statistics Updated October 27, 2020. On February 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced an official name for the disease that is causing the novel coronavirus outbreak, first identified in Wuhan China.  The name of this disease is coronavirus disease 2019, abbreviated COVID-19. On March 11, 2020, the WHO declared the COVID-19 outbreak as a … Continue Reading

DOL Tells Employers: No Need to Include Many Employee Perks When Calculating Overtime

Ver la versión en español aquí For the first time in 50 years, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) updated the “regular rate” of pay standard used for overtime calculations. Why does this matter? Under the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), a nonexempt hourly employee must be paid “time and one-half” of their “regular … Continue Reading

Nothing to Sneeze at: Chemical Sensitivities, Bed Bugs, Zika and Flu Shots

Ver la versión en español aquí I recently spoke at the SHRM 2018 Annual Conference & Exposition in Chicago. My topic was  “Health Issues are Nothing to Sneeze at: Chemical Sensitivities, Bed Bugs, Zika and Flu Shots.” SHRM had over 18,000 attendees. It was a great opportunity to discuss some of the legal issues employers face when … Continue Reading

Morale Makes Money: How Starbucks Raised the Bar(ista)… Again

Ver la versión en español aquí Last week, the CEO of Starbucks, Kevin Johnson, announced the ‘Partner and Family Sick Time’ benefits for all of Starbucks’ U.S. employees. Starbucks is giving employees a number of additional perks, including increased wages, stock grants, six-week paid parental leave for non-birth giving parents and five days of paid … Continue Reading

It’s Payday! Are Pay Stubs an Employer’s Friend or Foe?

Ver la versión en español aquí Poll in-house counsel about the things that keep them up at night.  The contents of a wage statement (commonly known as a “pay stub”) would be way down that list.  After all, the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and Florida state law do not require any specific information … Continue Reading

REGISTRATION OPEN! 27th Annual Labor & Employment Law Seminar

I cannot believe another year has come and gone! We are quickly approaching our 27th Annual Labor & Employment Law Seminar. Join us Friday, May 19th from 8am-4pm at the JW Marriott Marquis Miami as we “Predict the Future” and discuss what awaits employers in 2017. Mark your calendars now because this year’s seminar is not to … Continue Reading